Thursday, 28 March 2019


Maybe, Our stars werent meant to be of same constellation
And I wasnt your favourite attraction
Maybe I failed somewhere to see that spark in your eyes
 I couldnt be the one who could make you smile

Maybe, I am losing myself day by day
In a hope that with me you will forever stay
I want to only thank you
For giving me a chance to love you

Maybe my tears dried
But my feelings for you never died
I am in no way blaming you
Because i know your best person is loved by you

Friday, 22 March 2019

I can see the sadness in your eyes
I can see how are you making your feelings hide
I know it hurts to accept it
Thus, accepting the truth with a guilt

I know how i said to move on
And only I know how it scares me
To leave you, even in darkest of my dreams

I just want you to forget it all
I just want to see you happy in all
I just want to say
That i may not be lover anymore
But a friend who will care more

Thursday, 14 March 2019

She passed by me
With a beautiful smile
No less than a loaded missile
Those few minutes in which I get to see
As if i have seen my whole world in front of me

Only few minutes of seeing
But much hours of remembering
The moment I still adore
In a hope if our paths could intersect once more

Thursday, 7 March 2019

If i could tell you

If i could tell you
How badly I love you
My whole world lies in you
How your single compliment brings a smile on my face
I just keep thinking about it for long days

If I could tell you
How often i remember you in a day
Just want to weave in words what my heart say
How my heart skips a beat when i see you
Its too difficult too sleep that night without thinking about you

If I could tell you
How it feels to accept it
That you don’t want to be mine
How you just don’t like me
When i have set the world with you in front of me